My first incoming mail was spam. CIAL1S for a 13 year old girl! No wonder it was unread mail. 'Course, Harish anna had probably instructed me not to open such mails. Did he tell me what Cial1s was? I really don't remember.
dear anna,
wot happened?i've not heard 4m u 4 @least 2 m's!!!
btw i m cruising thru my hols and 2morrow i get my xam 2 go to the kovil u no!btw,my cousin Reshmi's here and she's leaving 2de 4 kozhikode.h annas here.wt more?
pls do tell me when u r coming back 2 our dear Bharat mahaan!?
so long since i seen u .whn is ur course finishin?pls dont forget to mail.
anna says u r going thru a lot of tuf times.sok.tuf times do come u no?
of corz u do.ha !joke of the ear!!! ;-)anys pls reply soon.
I know it's crazy of me to post this here, but I couldn't help noticing how different I am now from back then. This was sent to a cousin when I was 15. My English was bad and I used the SMS language. The subject of the mail was: 'y no mail?'. I struggled to read and understand it today. I posted it here because I had a hearty laugh reading it, and invite you to read your first email, if you were born at the right time :)
Wrote that email during my vacations after 10th standard to a cousin in the US.
Kovil means temple in Tamil.
Kozhikode is a place in Kerala. A lot of people I know haven't heard of the place, and most can't pronounce it. You gotta roll your tongue a particular way to get the 'zhi' part right.
H anna means Harish Anna, my brother.
Poochai in Malayalam means cat. It was one of my pet names.