Sunday, September 27, 2009

"y no mail?"

I was reading my some old mails and came across quite a few mails i had sent to my cousins and brother and sister-in-law. What I saw made me want to shake my head to clear the dew collecting inside my head. I had been so brazenly open about whatever I wanted them to do, and they would always reply with a sorry. I've never really been all that brave with anyone, but when it came to emails, here i was ordering them around! Well it wasn't really all that bad but still, I'm just surprised that those were written by me.

My first incoming mail was spam. CIAL1S for a 13 year old girl! No wonder it was unread mail. 'Course, Harish anna had probably instructed me not to open such mails. Did he tell me what Cial1s was? I really don't remember.

dear anna,
wot happened?i've not heard 4m u 4 @least 2 m's!!!
btw i m cruising thru my hols and 2morrow i get my xam 2 go to the kovil u no!btw,my cousin Reshmi's here and she's leaving 2de 4 kozhikode.h annas here.wt more?
pls do tell me when u r coming back 2 our dear Bharat mahaan!?
so long since i seen u .whn is ur course finishin?pls dont forget to mail.
anna says u r going thru a lot of tuf times.sok.tuf times do come u no?
of corz u do.ha !joke of the ear!!! ;-)anys pls reply soon.

I know it's crazy of me to post this here, but I couldn't help noticing how different I am now from back then. This was sent to a cousin when I was 15. My English was bad and I used the SMS language. The subject of the mail was: 'y no mail?'. I struggled to read and understand it today. I posted it here because I had a hearty laugh reading it, and invite you to read your first email, if you were born at the right time :)

Wrote that email during my vacations after 10th standard to a cousin in the US.
Kovil means temple in Tamil.
Kozhikode is a place in Kerala. A lot of people I know haven't heard of the place, and most can't pronounce it. You gotta roll your tongue a particular way to get the 'zhi' part right.
H anna means Harish Anna, my brother.
Poochai in Malayalam means cat. It was one of my pet names.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It was all meant to be.

Always thought life was white and snowy
Just didnt wanna know it was not.
Always wished for things too early
Could have waited, it's my fault.

Why would I be upset and complain
When all is fine and set to rumble
But in fact its all a new terrain
'Course its my fault when I stumble

Lots of wise words from everyone
All having sense, I'm guessing
After all, they say, it's your decision
Wont take no blame for messing.

All the hope and faith I had
On the plans that had been laid
Of a life-like dream I'd had
Or is it a dreamy life I lead?

In the mechanics of routine life
The little joys I've lost
Like golden rows of candlelight
In a hallway caught by a draught.

Standing under the shower
I wash my woes away
It's right then that I wonder
Why it rained today.